Call to Action GPE

Call to Action GPE

Wereldwijd drukken maatschappelijke organisaties the Global Partnership for Education op het hart prioriteit te geven aan jonge kinderen en kinderen met speciale onderwijsbehoeften bij het opstellen van de nieuwe GPE strategie: GPE Recommendations 2020
GCE-UK 2019 | Unlock Education for Everyone

GCE-UK 2019 | Unlock Education for Everyone

GCE UK Unlock Education for EveryoneWe will not achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) – the goal to provide quality and inclusive education for all by 2030 – unless we urgently accelerate progress for the furthest behind groups.While some children and...
GCE 2017 | Time to Deliver

GCE 2017 | Time to Deliver

GCE 2017 | Time to DeliverThe Voluntary National Review (VNR) process is a critical part of the accountability architecture for the SDGs. This briefing highlights opportunities for engagement of education civil society, nationally and internationally, and lays down...
GCE 2016 | Private profit, public loss

GCE 2016 | Private profit, public loss

GCE 2016 Private Profit, Public LossMet het rapport ‘Private Profit, Public Loss: why the push for low-fee private schools is throwing quality education off-track’ onderzoekt GCE-Internationaal de voornaamste claims waarmee privaatonderwijs opgeld doet. Algemene...