nieuws2016gpefactsheetecce13-12-2016 | De zorg en aandacht die een kind in zijn eerste levensjaren krijgt, is bepalend voor zijn gezondheid en ontwikkeling in zijn verdere leven. De afgelopen 10 jaar is er veel meer aandacht gekomen voor voorschools onderwijs (Early Childhood Care and Education). Wat zijn de resultaten? Het Global Partnership for Education geeft een overzicht.

In the past decade, enrollment in pre-primary education has increased in all regions of the world, and many governments have strengthened their public education systems to reach and meet the needs of younger children between the ages of 3 and 7. But more than 150 million children between the ages of 3 and 5 do not have access to pre-primary education worldwide. This includes more than 80% of children in low-income countries — children who have the most to gain from quality early childhood education. GPE encourages countries to ensure that children under the age of 5 develop according to their age, and to increase pre-primary enrollment. Read more

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